Stuttgart Rosenstein | Special Unit A3 – Room for Ideas

Special Unit A3 – Room for Ideas

A3 Titelgrafik

At the entrance to the future Stuttgart Rosenstein district, Area A3, is to become the new signature showpiece of the City of Stuttgart. Let us know how you feel about it.

A3 Luftbild
A3 Flaeche2

A3 – Space for Ideas

What can be created here? The "A3" area is directly adjacent to the planned Manfred-Rommel-Platz with the light eyes of the main station.


The light eyes of Manfred-Rommel-Platz can already be seen. In future, it will form the roof of the station. Large parts of the area are to be greened.


Z7 A4633f

Schlossgarten (Municipal garden)

In future, the Schlossgarten will be directly adjacent to special unit A3.

Former Bahndirektion (Railroad management)

LBBW (Landesbank)

Europaquartier small

Future Europaquartier

The Europaquartier is being built on today's railroad tracks.

Königstraße 1–3

Bahnhofsvorplatz (Station forecourt)

The station forecourt is to be traffic-calmed in the long term. To achieve this, the city ring road is to be extended and routed via Wolframstrasse.

The A3 area is situated right at Manfred-Rommel-Platz, where the skylights of the central station are located. It connects the square with the newly developed Europaquartier and thus is the starting point leading into the new Stuttgart Rosenstein district. With an area of some 60 × 117 metres, the construction field offers space for pioneering design.

A line of trees – an alley – is planned to separate Manfred-Rommel-Platz from the new building at A3. Alternatively or, in addition, the new building could also have a green façade.

A3 Floor plan
A3 Ideenwettbewerb Blog

Field of Ideas

Where the platforms of the terminus station are still located today, something completely new can be created on an area of around 60 x 117 metres. Your suggestions, wishes and concerns are already being asked for in the participation section. The best ideas for this area will then be selected in an international brainstorming session.

Row of trees and/or green façade

A row of trees is planned between the light eyes on Manfred-Rommel-Platz and the special unit A3. Alternatively or as a supplement, a green façade design might also be possible.

Neuer Hbf Website Header Voll


Manfred-Rommel-Platz is part of the future Stuttgart railway station. The light eyes of the station concourse are located here. Large parts of the square are to be greened.


Europaquartier small


The new Europaquartier is being built directly adjacent to the special unit A3.

Z7 A4633f

Schlossgarten (Municipal garden)

LBBW (Landesbank)

A3 Ansicht
View from Schlossgarten. A line of trees is to separate Unit A3 from Manfred-Rommel-Platz (on the left). An alternative would be a green façade. Parking facilities for cars and bicycles are proposed for the basement floors. Access from the central station is considerably higher than on the side of the planned Europaquartier.
A3 Ansicht2
Line of vision from Manfred-Rommel-Platz. Unit A3 can be accessed directly from the roof of the underground station. There are also direct connections from the station concourse into the building. The city train tunnel runs underneath the concourse.
A3 Ansicht3
Sectional view. The green landscaped Athener Straße (left) is approximately six metres higher than Schlossgarten (right). The city train runs underneath Athener Straße.

What we would like to know from you

The subject of the following questionnaire is how important is the Special Unit A3 for Stuttgart – not only at an international, but also at a local level. It will only take about ten minutes to answer the questions. The needs, preferences and concerns will be included in the call for international brainstorming and help the jury later to make a decision.

Confirmation required! After you have completed the questionnaire, you will receive an e-mail with a verification link. Your contribution will only become officially part of the participation after this confirmation has been submitted.