Stuttgart Rosenstein | Maker City
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Maker City

Aerial view of area C1 on the Rosenstein development site.
The C1 terrain can be developed as the first of the three quarters, since there is no need to dismantle tracks here.

Maker City on the C1 terrain is the area surrounding Wagenhallen. It borders on the Pragfriedhof to the South, the existing Nordbahnhofviertel to the East and the area Löwentor/Heilbronner Straße to the North. The creative quarter planned is to be a space for experimentation and a flagship project for the further development of the entire district. Experimenting and producing within the quarter is vibrantly reflected in the architecture and the open space.

Maker City
Wagenhallenplatz 01

Wagenhallenplatz (square)

The square Wagenhallenplatz is to form the new center of the future Maker City as a large open space and experimental area. It is located directly next to the existing, identity-forming Wagenhalle.

Z7 A8061


The Wagenhallen are one of the most important venues for the independent art scene in Stuttgart. They already play a prominent role in the city. As part of the urban development of the Maker City, further building blocks for creative use are to be created there. The Wagenhallen Stuttgart have served as a locomotive workshop since the end of the 19th century. Trains and buses were stored and maintained here.

ÖSP 01

Eco and social pioneers

Creative and new forms of communal living are made possible in the "eco and social pioneers" neighborhood. They are located in the southern part of Maker City and border directly on the Loop. This ensures a connection via the "Nordbahnhofviertel" to the "Rosensteinquartier".

Kulturhub 01

Culture Hub

As a workshop building, the Cultural Hub could be a flexible building block where people have the opportunity to experiment and develop. It is located directly next to the Wagenhallen. As a modular building block, the Cultural Hub could adapt to the various needs of its stakeholders.

PUP 01

Pioneers of urban production

Also an IBA'27 project: The Pioneers of Urban Production. In order to reestablish production, trade, crafts and services in urban areas, hybrid building blocks are to be developed here that mix with housing, art and cultural production and social facilities. Flexible spatial structures make a variety of uses and room layouts possible.

Hub MC 01

District Hub

The district hub is intended to be both a neighborhood and mobility anchor for the Maker City. It is positioned directly on the main access route as a link between the pioneers of urban production and the eco and social pioneers. Thanks to its central location and bundling of a wide range of mobility services, it represents a central location in the district.

Sonderbaustein Nord 01

Special unit Nord (North)

The special northern building unit is to become a multifunctional building block and form the prelude to the Nordbahnhof district. A multifunctional hall for 1,000 people is planned for sports and cultural events. Leisure activities and club sports as well as social facilities such as daycare centers and youth clubs will enliven the building block. It could be supplemented by cafés or kiosks. The convenient location allows for loud events and large crowds.


Maker City consists of two neighbourhoods: The “eco and social pioneers” and the “pioneers of urban production”. The “pioneers of urban production” are to become a productive neighbourhood with a shared working area. In the neighbourhood of the “eco and social pioneers” creative and new forms of communal living will be possible. Maker City is considered a kind of urban laboratory for a productive city.

Mixed use

The new quarter is characterised by a close coexistence and social interaction with a wide range of uses. The framework plan proposes to use 45 percent of the available space for housing, 45 percent for commercial purposes. The remaining ten percent will be allocated for social facilities. The Maker City will be developed as the first of the quarters thanks to the availability of space and also as an official project of IBA’27.

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