Stuttgart Rosenstein | Stadthalle 21

Stadthalle 21

Stadthalle 21 Felix Bodenmüller Friedrich Mönninger Linus Grimminger Ferdinand Brunold 1

Stadthalle 21 - A place to come together.

Authors: Felix Bodenmüller, Friedrich Mönninger, Linus Grimminger, Ferdinand Brunold, Germany

Stadthalle 21 Felix Bodenmüller Friedrich Mönninger Linus Grimminger Ferdinand Brunold 12

The new Stadthalle Stuttgart is intended to offer the city non-commercial spaces for exchange. The building responds to the strategic mediating role of the site in creating a new connection between the station and the adjacent Rosenstein quarter.

The proposal translates the conversion of Stuttgart's terminus station into a through station, with a flexible ground floor that mediates between the station square, Schlossgarten and Rosensteinquartier. This is where different areas of the city meet in a space characterized by round arches. This area attempts to create a visual connection and conceptual link through its elevation. Signage reminiscent of the old station recalls the former use of the terminus station. A rainwater basin is intended to create an appropriate microclimate.

An upper plaza level will allow the urban community to organize workshops, concerts and travelling exhibitions.

A roof terrace with a basketball court will enable underrepresented uses in the city to be relocated to the heart of the city.

Stadthalle 21 Felix Bodenmüller Friedrich Mönninger Linus Grimminger Ferdinand Brunold 13
Stadthalle 21 Felix Bodenmüller Friedrich Mönninger Linus Grimminger Ferdinand Brunold 14