Outdoor culture

In line with the motto ‘Culture in the open air’, the design sets itself the primary goal of creating important leisure, cultural and play facilities as an easily accessible, non-binding place to meet and linger.

Space for ideas
The ‘Space for Ideas’ is being created in the heart of Stuttgart, right next to Stuttgart's new main railway station, the Bonatzbau and Manfred-Rommel-Platz. Due to its central location in the vibrant city centre, and above all as a place of arrival, the square has important tasks: to give the first significant impression of the city, to create a lively atmosphere and to reflect the diversity and dynamism of Stuttgart. Arriving at the railway station becomes an attraction; behind the exits of the Bonatz building, the square pushes itself into the direct field of vision; here you can gather and relax in the greenery before continuing on.

Round pavilions as a central element
Based on the unique skylight domes of the new railway station, three imposing pavilions of different sizes are positioned as a central element on the square. Two main spaces are created: the enclosed courtyard as an unroofed space and the sheltered space beneath the roof. The architecture is aligned with the Bonatzbau and Manfred-Rommel-Platz according to the interlinking of visual and path axes. The large ‘Rund um Kultur’ pavilion in the centre of the planned area and in an orthogonal extension of the entrances and exits of the Bonatz building is designed with a paved surface and offers space for various events, gatherings, exhibitions and performances that can be flexibly set up and rearranged, such as photo exhibitions of street photographers: Photo exhibitions by street photographers, hung art by junior artists as a temporary exhibition, but also stand-up shows on summer evenings and performances by a newly forming band. The two smaller pavilions to the north and south offer space for catering and e-mobility. In between these main players, there are further elements for lingering, meeting and playing. After strolling out of the Bonatzbau, passers-by can easily and simply find something to satisfy their hunger, whether small or large, which they can enjoy under the roof of the pavilions or outdoors. After a visit to the current art exhibition, they can then head for Stuttgart's attractions with a piece of e-mobility equipment.

The link between Manfred-Rommel-Platz and the newly planned area can also be clearly felt in the paving: the paving under ‘Rund um Kultur’ opens up generously, inviting passers-by to step inside. From here, two circular paths emerge, providing access to the square and the two smaller pavilions. Further circular terraces are loosely niched into the square and offer space to meet and socialise. The entire structure has a warm wood look and thus also has a tactile effect. Other areas of the square will be planted with greenery in order to maintain retention areas and create space for the biotope.