Stuttgart Rosenstein | On the road to the future – Result…
Rosenstein Bad Cannstatt 16092023 0493

At the exhibition dates and in the online participation, all participants formulated numerous wishes and requirements as well as concerns about the future design of the A3 area. These have now been documented, organised and analysed. On this page you will find an overview of the most important results as well as the complete documentation for download.


Entire PDF documentation (German)
A3 Ideenwettbewerb Teaser Illustration

You can find the appendix here (German).

Stuttgart's identity today

How do residents describe Stuttgart's identity today? The results briefly summarised. Stuttgart is ...

Automotive city
Stuttgart is globally recognised and significant for its automotive industry.

Hidden champion
Stuttgart has many other strengths, e.g. as a local cultural centre.

"Large construction site"
Stuttgart is associated locally and nationally with building sites and lots of concrete.

Green state capital
The large forest and other green spaces are perceived as a source of identity.

Website Grafiken Vorab Beteiligung EN
Results from the online participation on the question: "How would you describe Stuttgart's identity today?"

Free text input. The percentages show the number of statements with at least one of the terms mentioned in relation to the total number of responses.
Stuttgart's identity in the future

Which characteristics and values should characterise the city more strongly in the future? It is important to the participants:

A city of diversity
Stuttgart's identity should be more multi-dimensional in the future.

People-centred city
An open, social urban society should be at the centre of urban development.

Green and climate-friendly city
Climate protection and climate adaptation measures should characterise the city in the future.

City with a spirit of innovation
The power of innovation should be used to create an identity for the future.

Website Grafiken Vorab Beteiligung EN2
Results from the online participation on the question: Which characteristics and values should characterise the identity of the city of Stuttgart more strongly in the future?

Multiple choice.

Orange: Open participation n=1,034
Grey: comparison group (random selection) n=360
What message should be conveyed?

The newly designed A3 area, the space right next to the main railway station, is one of the first things that people from all over the world see when they arrive in Stuttgart. What message should the new design of the A3 area convey? The following was important to the participants in the consultation:

- We are making our message internationally understandable.
- We welcome everyone with our cosmopolitanism.
- We are a green and climate-friendly city.
- We are a city for everyone and ensure social cohesion.
- We are a modern city that achieves justice for the future through innovation.
- We value our local and regional qualities and emphasise them internationally.

Website Grafiken Vorab Beteiligung EN4
Results from the online participation on the question: What message do you want the building to convey?

Free text input. The percentages show the number of statements with at least one of the terms mentioned in relation to the total number of responses.
Website Grafiken Vorab Beteiligung EN3
Results from the personal survey on the question: What message do you want the building to convey?

The percentages show the frequency of the respective terms in relation to the total number of responses.
Surroundings: Offers in the city centre

When deciding on the use of such a centrally located space in the city centre, the offerings in the immediate vicinity also play an important role. How do the people of Stuttgart rate what is on offer in the city centre? These are the most important findings from the survey. In Stuttgart there is ...

- a very good offer in the areas of art, (high) culture and events.
- a very good offer in the areas of retail and high-quality catering.
- a lack of (green) spaces for recreation, play and sport as well as non-consumption areas.
- a lack of offerings in the areas of subculture and nightlife.
- A lack of spaces and areas for children and young people and for the community.
- a lack of infrastructure for future mobility, e.g. bicycle boxes, charging stations, etc.

Website Grafiken Vorab Beteiligung EN6
Results from the online participation on the question: How do you rate the offer in Stuttgart city centre on the following topics?

Likert scale (from "very good" to "not good").
Website Grafiken Vorab Beteiligung EN5
Results from the personal survey on the question: What do you miss in Stuttgart city centre?

The percentages show the frequency of the respective terms in relation to the total number of responses.
Concerns and worries

As part of the participation process, participants also expressed concerns and worries. In other words, they made statements about what should be avoided on the A3 site.

- Concerns about too many shopping centres with an international presence.
- Concerns about a less busy office and banking complex or hotel and conference centre.
- Concerns about gastronomy in terms of high-priced arbitrariness and interchangeability.
- Concerns about a lack of social diversity and inclusion, for example through flats in the "luxury" segment.
- Concerns about sterile "inhuman" architecture with lots of glass and concrete as well as large car parks.
- Concern that the results of the participation will not be taken into account and that there will be a lack of dialogue with citizens in the further process.

Website Grafiken Vorab Beteiligung EN7
Results from the online participation on the question: What should not be built on the "special building block A3"? What are your concerns?

Free text input. The percentages show the number of statements with at least one of the terms mentioned in relation to the total number of responses.
Website Grafiken Vorab Beteiligung EN8
Results from the online participation on the question: What should not be built on the "special building block A3"? What are your concerns?

Free text input. The percentages show the number of statements with at least one of the terms mentioned in relation to the total number of responses.

Respondents to the survey also provided initial suggestions regarding the design of the area. What is important to the people of Stuttgart?

- Identity-creating and identity-giving design, where quality (of life) takes precedence over prestige.
- Green design with tangible water elements.
- Inviting, open and bright design with translucent materials and open façades.
- Outstanding architecture thanks to forward-looking design and the use of sustainable materials.

Website Grafiken Vorab Beteiligung EN9
Selected quotes on the design of the area.
Website Grafiken Vorab Beteiligung EN10
Selected quotes on the design of the area.

International ideas contest

Space for ideas
A3 Ideenwettbewerb Header