Stuttgart Rosenstein | Mobility
2021 10 11 Collage Quartiershub 420x420 300dpi asp


In the new Stuttgart Rosenstein district, the focus is on people. When it comes to getting around in the quarters, the declared aim is that owning your own car should not be necessary. Instead, Stuttgart Rosenstein is to be a district of short distances where priority is given to walking and cycling combined with public transport. Together they form the so-called environmental alliance. In combination with the district hub concept, Stuttgart Rosenstein offers everything you need to get from A to B without owning a car. Stuttgart Rosenstein serves as a role model for a turnaround in inner-city mobility.

District hub as anchor point

In each neighbourhood a so-called district hub is created. They are directly connected to the shared space located in front of them and thus form a significant anchor point. On the one hand, they offer all shared mobility solutions: for instance, rental bikes with and without e-drive, car sharing and e-charging stations, as well as bike repair services. Private parking spaces will also be accommo­dated in the district hubs. On the other hand, the hub will become an important tranship­ment location for low-emission and sustaina­ble deliveries of goods and necessities.

Optimally connected and linked

Due to its central location, Stuttgart Rosenstein is optimally linked to the existing underground and city train network. In addition, a new city train station is developed at Gleisbogenpark at the transition between the future Rosensteinquartier and the existing Nordbahnhofviertel. Additional mobility stations at public transport stops shall offer alternative means of transport (district bus, sharing cargo bikes, e-scooters, e-bikes) for the last mile. They are located in direct vicinity to the district hubs and thus efficiently link the different mobility opportunities in the neighbourhood.

Sports facilities, public administrations, health and education locations, as well as shopping and work opportunities should be accessible by foot or bike within the shortest possible time (role model “five-minute city”). Barrier-free footpaths throughout the whole area should be sufficiently wide to invite people to stroll and promote social interaction on site.

Even a thoughtful cycle path network ensures that urban quality of life in Stuttgart Rosenstein is enhanced. Main and secondary routes are planned for good access within the sub-areas and to neighbouring districts. Lanes for fast cycling optimally connect the new district with the central station and the city ring, as well as the overall regional network.

Stuttgart Rosenstein is to become a low-traffic district with a target figure of 0.1 parking space per apartment. The requirement is to be supplemented by a car-sharing quota. Public parking space will hardly be needed.

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