Stuttgart Rosenstein | Open Space
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Open Space

In urban planning, open space is understood as all areas that are not built-up with buildings. This includes gardens, streets, squares or parks. The master plan for Stuttgart Rosenstein provides for a “radical greening of quarters”. The dense urban development is offset and the green surroundings promote a liveable urban climate. In addition to green spaces already developed, Stuttgart Rosenstein will also have areas where the urban community is responsible for planting and caring. Greened courtyards, façades and roofs, as well as communal urban gardening projects will make the neighbourhood a particularly green and liveable district.

2022 06 01 910 Gleisbogenpark Visu
At the transition between the planned Rosenstein quarter and the existing Nordbahnhofviertel, the Neue Mitte (new centre) with a city train station is planned.

The central element of open space planning is the new Gleisbogenpark, which connects all sub-areas and links the existing Nordbahnhofviertel with Stuttgart Rosenstein.

The park will be developed as versatile space enabling interaction between people, fauna and flora. On the one hand, it will be used for sports, games and exercise, as well as for recreation. On the other hand, it makes an important contribution to species protection. In Stuttgart Rosenstein, a high proportion of space is planned for conservation and species protection. This is not only beneficial for future residents – it also improves the air quality and the district as a whole will become more resistant to the heat in summer or other weather events.

Various activities make a visit to the park particularly interesting. This includes urban gardening, studio space, areas for outdoor exhibitions and workshops, as well as venues for theatre and concerts. Listed bridges and railway structures will be kept – as a reminder of their previous use.

Urban space = movement

Since many people will live in Stuttgart Rosenstein, numerous facilities for playing, sport and exercise will be needed for all generations, also in inner courtyards and on roof tops. Due to the development to a nearly car-free city, streets will also become a place where children and young people can play and exercise. Sports facilities can be used for recreational sports or by clubs, as well as for school sports.

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