Stuttgart Rosenstein | The guiding principle
Der geplante Stadtteil Stuttgart Rosenstein als 3 D Modell Rechte Stadt Stuttgart Koeber Landschaftsarchitektur und asp Architekten

The guiding principle

Urban and diverse, social and dynamic, networked and climate-adapted – that is how Stuttgart Rosenstein should feel!


The concept of a diverse, mixed city is what characterises Stuttgart Rosenstein. Living, working, learning and culture just merge and are no longer considered as separate entities. What was thought as opposites is seen as a whole and leads to a far-reaching mix of uses at all (neighbourhood) levels. This includes a well thought-out use of land and the choice of the right, sustainable building materials, a future-oriented mobility mixture including infrastructure and consistent greening of the district, not only on façades and roofs.

This creates a place to live that links people’s needs, shortens distances and creates a new form of identification, making Stuttgart Rosenstein a district for entirely new opportunities for private, communal and commercial life.

Das 3x3 des Leitbilds

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